Journal papers
Oikonomou, Despina and Ivona Ilić. (2023). Subjunctive Questions in Serbian, Journal of Slavic Linguistics. FASL 30 Special Issue. 1-18. [paper]
Driemel, Imke, Johannes Hein, Cory Bill, Aurore Gonzalez, Ivona Ilić, Paloma Jeretič, and Astrid van Alem. (2023). Negative Concord without Agree: Insights from German, Dutch and English Child Language. Languages, 8(3). [paper]
Proceedings papers
Ilić, Ivona. (2024). Complements and modifiers: Implications for typologies of pronouns. Proceedings of the 98th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA). 9(1), 5720. [paper]
Alexiadou, Artemis, Johannes Hein, Ivona Ilić, Uli Sauerland. (2024). The third person is present: An argument from determiners in generic statements. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS). [paper]
Alexiadou, Artemis and Ivona Ilić. (2023). Acquiring Japanese passives: A production study. In P. Gappmayr and J. Kellogg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 47th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press [paper]
Hein, Johannes, Cory Bill, Imke Driemel, Aurore Gonzalez, Ivona Ilić, and Paloma Jeretič. (2023). Negative concord in the acquisition of English and German: Some results from a corpus study. Proceedings of CLS 58. [paper]
Manuscripts in Progress
Ilić, Ivona. Unagreement and Clitic Doubling: A Uniform Analysis.
Ilić, Ivona. Mood-driven allomorphy of negation in Greek.
Ilić, Ivona. Nominalized pronouns.
Ilić, Ivona. (2021). Argument Structure, Ergativity, Aspect, and Agreement: A view from n-based nominalizations. M.A. Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. [Thesis]