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Conference presentations

Alexiadou, Artemis, Johannes Hein, Ivona Ilić, and Uli Sauerland. The third person is present: An argument from determiners in generic statements, NELS 54, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 26-27, 2024 [slides] [handout] [paper]

Ilić, Ivona. Unagreement and modifiers: Implications for typologies of pronouns, 98th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, LSA 98, New York, January 4-7, 2024 [poster] [paper]

Alexiadou, Artemis, Johannes Hein, Ivona Ilić, and Uli Sauerland. The third person is present: An argument from determiners in generic statements, Issues in the Syntax and Semantics of Definiteness, Bucharest University, December 8-9, 2023 [handout]

Ilić, Ivona. Unagreement and Clitic Doubling: Realization of Definiteness in External and Internal Arguments, Topic, Focus and Subject (TFS), Osnabrück University, September 19-23, 2023 [handout]

Alexiadou, Artemis and Ivona Ilić. Acquiring Japanese passives: a production study, The 47th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, BUCLD 47, Boston University, November 3-6, 2022 [poster] [paper]

Alexiadou, Artemis and Ivona Ilić. Overt and implicit arguments and Voice in Japanese passives: a child language perspective, Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics BCGL 15, CRISSP, Brussels, October 6-7, 2022 [slides]

Hein, Johannes, Cory Bill, Imke Driemel, Aurore Gonzalez, Ivona Ilić, and Paloma Jeretič. Do child languages have negative concord: A corpus study, Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition, GALA 15, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, September 22-24, 2022

Ilić, Ivona and Artemis Alexiadou. Silent and overt arguments in child language, SinFonIJa 15, University of Udine, Italy, September 22-24, 2022 [slides]

Ilić, Ivona, Fabienne Martin, and Artemis Alexiadou. What do children do with do? Superfluous do as a marker of agency in child English, Linguistics Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, LAGB 2022, Ulster University, Belfast, UK, September 12-15, 2022

Hein, Johannes, Cory Bill, Imke Driemel, Aurore Gonzalez, Ivona Ilić, Paloma Jeretič and Maria Teresa Guasti. Negative concord in the acquisition of non-negative concord languages, Chicago Linguistic Society, CLS 58, April 22, 2022 


Ilić, Ivona. Argument Structure Inheritance: Evidence from Deverbal Compounds, 16th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society, SLS 16, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 3-5, 2021 [slides]

Ilić, Ivona. The Interaction of Aspect and the Height of Affixation, 9th Workshop on Nominalizations, JENom9, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and the University of Silesia, Poland, June 17-18, 2021 [slides]

Oikonomou, Despina and Ivona Ilić Subjunctive Questions in Serbian, Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 30, FASL 30, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), May 13-16, 2021 [paper]

Ilić, Ivona. Non-Contrastive Gender in Serbian Language: One-Many Mismatches, 12th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, MMM 12, University of Ljubljana, June 27-30, 2019 

Ilić, Ivona. Gender Underspecification in Serbian Language: One-Many Mismatches, Connecting roots and affixes, CRAFF 2019, Masaryk University Brno, May 13-15, 2019

Ilić, Ivona. Extended Projection Principle (/EPP) in Serbian: A Cross-Theoretical Perspective, Master Class with Professor Artemis Alexiadou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, March 19, 2019

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